KONGSINEWS.COM – Presiden Jokowi senyum liat Pa Prabowo Subianto dipeluk emak di Pasar Rakyat Tabalong Kalsel.

“Pa Jokowi ajak saya kemana-mana mungkin beliau mau didik saya,” kata Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto.

Cadaz…!! Pa Prabowo is a humble person. Etika-nya tinggi. Royal Etiquette. Santun. Keren. Top abizzz. In Confucius term, dia adalah “junzi” atau “noble gentlmen”.

The “junzi” is to be a moral exemplar, leading all people towards a more virtuous society, yet he is also a follower, obeying his parents absolutely, as well as playing the junior role to all who are older than he.

On the other hand, Presiden Jokowi sukses memperlihatkan apa yang disebut Mizrahi & Berger, 2001: p. 171 tentang “Leadership: setting the direction, standards, and vision for an organization”.

In Confucianism, ada lima kategori human relationships: ruler-minister, father-son, husband-wife, elder-younger, friend-friend.

Fungsi utama Kepala Negara dalam Confucian state philosophy adalah “to educate and transform the people”.

Relasi Presiden Jokowi & Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto masuk kategori ruler-minister, boss-subordinate, atau mentor-apprentice.

Subordinates offer their loyalty, support and integrity. Sukses Boss adalah suksesnya. When the boss celebrates, the subordinates join in.

“A fine bird chooses a tree in which to nestle, and a wise man selects a master to serve,” Kata Kongzi.

Bila Presiden Jokowi & Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto mampu mempertahankan & meningkatkan kualitas relasi maka jaminannya adalah “Sukses”. No other option.

Oleh: Zeng Wei Jian, kolumnis dan pegiat medsos.***